The film is based upon recently declassified files of the British War Department and inspired by true events, It is an action-comedy that tells the story of the first-ever special forces organization formed during WWII by UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill and a small group of military officials including author Ian Fleming(James Bond series )
The miliatary papers were declassified in 2016. The film is based on the book "Churchill's Secret Warriors: The Explosive True Story of the Special Forces Desperadoes of WWII by Damien Lewis. Damien is the British author and the filmmaker. e has written more than fifteen books, some of which have been published in over thirty languages
Here is the book in the PDF and also the audio book
The film reminded of other WW II movies like "Inglourious Basterds," The book and film is in the backdrop of the early years of World War II, and Great Britain is in dire straits. The United States hasn't yet joined the war, and England's efforts to fight Germany are severely hampered by the Nazi U-Boat technology that allows them to control large swathes of the Atlantic Ocean around Europe and Africa. Winston Churchill s facing heavy pressure to both step down as prime minister and make an agreement with Hitler to prevent Britain's complete destruction. . The British Naval commander ask to abort the covert operation but the crew continues with their deep hate against Nazis. The Couple in the movie became real life couple after the war .
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